Do You Want Leadership You Can Believe In?

A few years ago, I embraced the idea that leadership is far less about position than it is about influence.

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The Awakening

As my eyes opened to new ways of thinking, I recognized that people were being crushed by authoritarian and even coercive leaders that relied heavily on their position to accomplish their goals.

Admittedly, I am a reformed transactional leader that used to focus on obtaining the goal at whatever the price. It was the method modeled for me that got results. I didn’t know another way.

Over time, the pain I saw in others was too much for me to bare so I knew if I couldn’t change others at least I could work to change myself.

The Transformation

And so I began my journey towards transformation

For those that know me well, you recognized that I invest my time into searching for better leadership and team building alternatives. Eventually, I developed my own view on leadership which places people over process over outcome. I believe that while application of leadership style is situational, the style that should be employed first should be that of servant as leader.

Why me? Why you?

I believe that all people should be accountable to do the right thing. Especially when they understand clearly what to do. In my case, as I began to gain clarity around how shepherding (as a framework) helped others there was no going back to power leadership. What I began to realize, after many years searching and waiting was the leader I was waiting for was , , , me.

Now, what about you?

Are you waiting for someone who could inspire you and others to embrace their own ideas? A person to encourage you to pursue your dreams? One that would expect you to use your unique gifts, talents, abilities and experiences in helping make things better?

If so, maybe you ought to take this journey with me.

What about the others that don’t buy-in to this approach?

It is ok.

The type of leadership I espouse and believe in isn’t for everyone.

It requires sacrifice and takes time. Leadership doesn’t happen in a day. It happens daily so it isn’t a check box on a development plan. It must be earned in the eyes of others at every level.

Shepherd Leadership comes slowly through building trust over time and its practitioners must be people of integrity. Individuals willing to be misunderstood by people who have yet to understand the vision of the change we bring.

Our precious energy must be carefully invested in people who are ready for transformation. We should not waste time trying to convince people. The best evidence that it works will be found in the people themselves and the impact on the culture where they do their work.

Become a linchpin in any domain. Seth Godin has it right when he says “Pick Yourself”. I did. So can you!


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