3 Expectations of the Best Leaders When Crisis Strikes

Calling all Shepherd Leaders . . . .

We need more shepherd leaders in time of crisis.

A shepherd doesn't serve because serving is fun.

Neither does a shepherd lead for compensation.

No.  They serve because they desire others reach their fullest potential.  They work in organizations that further the mission of making a better world.   Caring for the organization they choose to serve. And most importantly enabling people doing the work.  

3 things shepherd leaders do in the face of crisis.

They are visible

We don't have to go looking for the shepherd leader.  We recognize them because they are out front. 

Right where the trouble is found.  Helping guide people to safety.  

This type of leading comes with a cost.   Choosing to put themselves at risk.  Isn’t this the reason we need leaders?   Those that choose to lead when the stakes are high?  

They  lead us sacrificially.  Not by accident . . . but on purpose.   Hard times are when shepherd leaders shine brightest.

Character is the foundation

Character based leadership prospers in any environment.  

It thrives when trouble comes.  Trouble helps us discover the heart of those leading.  When under duress, do they run away?  Or do they embrace and wrestle with it?  Do they protect those they claim to serve?  

The exemplary leader counts the cost and chooses to pay the price.  They do it every time.  It isn't hard. 


Because that is who they are and it is their identity.  Consistent behavior follows identity.  

Be the safe place

People need safe places during time of trouble.  Shepherd leaders are the safe place.  Not because they are better, but because they embody what it means to feel safe. 

They accept every person for who they are in the moment, while believing in who they may become.  They have foresight to see others embodying their full potential. They marvel at the possible!  

The sole purpose of the shepherd is creating safe environments for their people.   

In times of trial, we should be the ones to lead the way to the brighter tomorrow.  People should not be looking for us.  Stand up.  Be at peace and show that your character is strong enough to face any circumstance.  Be courageous and become the safe place. As we do, we give people hope.  Not because we are better, but because we are the same.  If we can do it so can they.  

Leaders create belonging. This book tells you how. I love it!


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